Ode to Castlevania FAQ
What is Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania?
Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania, is a celebration of all things Castlevania. It's no secret that Vampire Survivors is very much inspired by The Belmonts never ending quest to stop Dracula, but we've gone no holds barred on this DLC. It's absolutely huge (the biggest DLC we've ever created), it features the characters and weapons that many lineages of fans have come to love, it features some real deep cuts we hope you all appreciate, some absolutely banging OST from various composers, and a bunch of secrets we can't wait for you to discover. It's been an honor to work with KONAMI again on such a prestigious IP.
How much is Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania?
£2.99 / $3.99 / €3.99. For more local currencies, check your local video game digital distribution platform (PSN, Xbox Store, Steam, Android Store, iOS Store, Nintendo Switch eShop store, you know the ones).
What platforms is Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania launching on?
Steam, Xbox, PlayStation 4/5, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS.
When is Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania launching?
31st October, 2024! As for a specific time on that date, keep an eye on your preferred store for the Buy button, but for the time being, don't be afraid of the Wishlist button.
How many characters are in Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania?
20+ new playable characters are joining forces with The Survivors in Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania. Everyone is truly here for this DLC.
How many weapons are in Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania?
Over 40 (yep, 40) new weapons are included in Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania. Swords and Shields? Loads. Projectiles? A bunch. Elemental Magic?! Yes reader, elemental magic has entered the fray. Glyphs?!?!?! Correct, even glyphs. WHIPS?! Would it be Vampire Survivors or Castlevania if it didn't have Whips?
Can I play local co-op in Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania?
As with all our DLC's or free content packs, absolutely yes!
Can I play Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania with characters from other DLC, or free content characters?
Also yes! You choose your way to play! Mix and match characters and weapons and stages as you've always done, nothing different here!
Are there new music tracks in Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania?
As with all our content, we once again tasked Daniele Zandara and Filippo Vicarelli with the task of making our heads bop along in our headphones without us knowing, and they came back with the task absolutely fulfilled. On top of this, we got some fan favorites involved too, so expect tracks from Evelyn Lark and Keygen Church! In total, there are over 30 new tracks, and additionally we've borrowed several dozen original Castlevania tracks too!
Can I choose what tracks to listen to in Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania?
As we knew there would be a lot of new music entering Vampire Survivors with this DLC, we've even revamped the Music Selector to make it easier for you.
Why does Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania cost more than other collaborative DLC's?
Here's a small factoid, Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania, is actually about 70-80% of the content of the original base game. Yep, you read that correctly, this DLC is almost the same size as the original base game of Vampire Survivors. We know that delivering lots of content is kind of our thing, and when we came to pricing the DLC we wanted to remain true to our accessibility in pricing and affordability to players and our fans, so we settled on one less money than the base game.
Is the DLC Cross-Buy on PlayStation formats?
Yes! If you purchase the PlayStation 4 version of Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania, and decide to upgrade to either a PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 5 Pro, you'll have the DLC for PlayStation 5 automatically. Clever, right?
Is the DLC available on Apple Arcade?
As a collaborative DLC, Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania will not be available on Apple Arcade.
Is the DLC available on Xbox Game Pass?
Only the base game of Vampire Survivors is available on Xbox Game Pass.
Talk to me about in-game Achievements and Platform achievements in Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania
To be clear on what "In-game" and "Platform" achievements are, "In-game" is the in-game achievements list, and platform level achievements are when you get Gamerscore/Trophies/Achievements on various platforms. As for in-game, yes, there are 103 achievements, but as for platform level achievements, no, there aren't any Gamerscore/Trophies/Achievements to be had with this DLC. This is because we don't like attributing Gamerscore/Trophies/Achievements to paid DLC packs that may impact peoples 100% unlocked ratios, which would force them to buy things. We don't like that!
Anything else in Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania we should know about?
A lot, but we wouldn't want to spoil all the fun. Okay fine, we're adding a few quality of life improvements too for all owners of Vampire Survivors, check out the Steam Post for more info on those.
How many times did you write Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania in here?
Will there be a vampire in Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania? Please, for the love of Poe's beard, tell us
Well well well. The time has come, chat. The time has come. "But FAQ writer, it's Castlevania! Surely there's a vampire! It goes hand in hand!" I (the writer) hear the crowd bellow. So please, allow me to formally tell you...
No idea. Dev team wouldn't tell me. Maybe? Possibly? There's a chance, I guess?