Adventures FAQ
What are Adventures?
Adventures are self-contained miniature story modes that reset and remix the game's content, following the Survivors cast on a series of wacky sidequests. Each Adventure will offer a unique progression path, giving players an opportunity to start from scratch and face custom challenges with a limited arsenal - without losing precious unlocks in the main game.
When will Adventures launch?
The Adventures update will launch soon for Steam, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android.
What platforms will Adventures release on?
Adventures will be available for Vampire Survivors on Steam, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android!
How much will Adventures cost?
The same as our usual free updates:
your soulNothing! That being said, some Adventures are expansions to DLC content, and require you to own the relevant DLC on the platform you're playing on. -
How are Adventures different from the main game?
Each Adventure will be split up into Chapters that have a specific set-up (items, characters) and winning conditions (survive a certain amount of time, kill a certain amount of enemies). Each Adventure mission will also offer a little bit of lore text and connect the whole Adventure.
Are the stories that are told in Adventures official LORE?
What if the real official lore was the friends we made along the way?
Does my progress from the main game carry over into Adventures?
Mostly no! Adventures are a chance for a fresh start with unique challenges. The only progress that you will carry over from the main game are your Relics and different game modes you have unlocked, such as Hyper and Inverse.
Does my progress from Adventures carry over into the main game?
Mostly no! The main game will remain the solid foundation over which Adventures build castles in the sky. However, completing an Adventure will earn you a bountiful cache of Coins to use in the main game, and some Adventures might feature unique new ways to unlock existing main game Relics.
What Adventures will be available at the launch of the new mode?
We’ll start with 2 Adventures available from the base game, and 1 Adventure that is linked to a DLC. The Legacy of the Moonspell DLC Adventure showcases Vampire Survivors gameplay with a series of original twists, featuring remixed environments, characters, and weapons. One of the Adventures available in the base game will explore how we’re reworking classic content, with a slightly serious storyline and a chance to earn unlocks earlier than normal. The other Adventure will be as absurd as you’d usually expect from Vampire Survivors.
How much playtime do Adventures offer?
Each Adventure has a few missions and makes a sort of mini campaign that will vary in playtime. The first few Adventures should take players an hour or two each to finish for the first time, but future Adventures might be longer or shorter. There might also be something to do once you have finished an Adventure, who knows :)
What do you mean “Who knows” about finishing an Adventure?
Fine, we will spill the beans for the most nosey readers. After you have completed an Adventure, it can be ‘Ascended’. That means you reset the Adventure to the first stage but gain one (1) Ascension point which you can put into tweaking the Adventure stats to make it more rewarding. You can boost Luck, Growth, Curse, and Greed. The first ascension point spent will boost a stat by 20%. The second point will boost it by 10% instead. Every other point will boost it by 5%. You can re-assign Ascension points however you want.
How many times can I Ascend an Adventure?
- Any ascension point is worth a 25% in any of the 4 stats (Curse, Luck, Gold, Greed)
- Stats bonuses capped at 500% or 250% (20 or 10 points respectively)
- Adventure reward coins are multiplied by the number of completions (eg. complete twice = +20% reward)
- You can't Ascend anymore after totalling 60 points
How do I buy weapons in Adventures? Are there Merchants?
Weapons that aren’t initially available in an Adventure are sold by Merchants. Buying a weapon equips it for that run, and unlocks it for level up choices for all Chapters of that Adventure. Each Merchant carries their own stock, and are individual per Adventure, so purchasing a weapon in Poe’s Adventure does not unlock it in Imelda’s Adventure.
Why are you making Adventures?
Why aren’t you making Adventures?
How often will you release new Adventures?
We’re planning on releasing new Adventures alongside future releases, both free updates and DLCs.
Are Adventures available from the start of the main game?
Nope! They will unlock during the main game, to give players extra things to do. Adventurers that own the Legacy of the Moonspell DLC, Adventures will become available after unlocking the Dairy Plant. For adventurers with the base game, Adventures will be unlocked by obtaining the Atlas Gate relic, which spawns at minute 7 on the Boss Rash stage, only after finding the Yellow Sign.
Do I need to own the DLC to play DLC Adventures?
For Adventures that include features from paid DLCs, you will need to own the DLC to access them.
Can I play Adventures in local co-op mode?
Will Adventures offer new achievements?
Nope! Adventures will feature its own form of unlocks but no main game achievements.
Everyone always asks what Adventures are, but never how Adventures are.
That’s not a question??
Will there be Vampires?
At least as many as in the main game, if not more.